This is a bouquet of fragrant oriental lush lilies. Presented with a mixture of tight buds and open buds, so the recipient gets lots of enjoyment from the lilies. The bouquet is wrapped in your choice of kraft paper or white paper and finished off with a satin ribbon. Your personal message is handwritten on a bloom 'n loco branded white gift tag.
PLEASE NOTE: This bouquet is not recommended for presentation on stage or at an event where you are expecting flowers that are open and ready for display. Lilies are long lasting flowers with a beautiful fragrance and they look gorgeous once they have blossomed open. We send out our lilies fresh from the growers, still closed in bud, because once lily flowers have opened they can be quite delicate. They are perfectly happy opening when they are at home in the vase they will stay in. They will bloom in the coming days after being received and are guaranteed to be thoroughly enjoyed for up to two weeks.